campus life + events
In a typical year, the Students’ Union hosts many campus-wide events, as well as smaller events that attract and cater to different types of students. Events are brainstormed and planned by the Campus Life Working Group which is open to all VIU students.
To keep up to date with all events of the Students’ Union, clubs, and course unions, download the VIUSU app. To volunteer, sign up at the bottom of this page.

Vigil for National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada
On December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, a vigil is being held at VIU’s Malaspina Theatre to honour and remember the 14 young women who were murdered in the 1989 massacre at École Polytechnique.

Fairness Fire
Encourage international students to attend a Fairness for International Students solidarity event where story sharing will be a focus. We want to highlight the experiences and challenges of international students and share when advocating to VIU administrators and the government.

Women’s Memorial March
Please join VIUFA’s Status of Women Committee on Monday, February 14, from 12 pm-1:30 pm, to honour Indigenous Women and Girls for a campus-based Women’s Memorial March.

Talking about Sex Trafficking Webinar for Human Rights Day
Join us on zoom for a webinar on Sex Trafficking for Human Rights Day. Let's shine some light on a dark topic. This workshop will explore the definition of sex trafficking, who is trafficking who, luring tactics used, recruitment, barriers to exiting and resources. Kerri Isham is a Certified Sexual Health Educator who has offered valuable teachings, workshops, and resources during her career.

"Where is Lisa Marie Young?": An Interview with Laura Palmer
In honour of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, the VIU Faculty Association’s Decolonization, Reconciliation, and Indigenization Committee is honoured to host a Zoom event with Laura Palmer, the producer and host of the True Crime podcast Island Crime.

Vigil for National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada
On December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, a vigil is being held at VIU’s Malaspina Theatre to honour and remember the 14 young women who were murdered in the 1989 massacre at École Polytechnique.
Event Photo Gallery
Frosh Week 2022 - Video Recap
Frosh Week 2022 was our largest social and celebration for new and returning students at VIU this Fall. We had an incredible week playing with different forms of paint, eating delicious pancakes and sausages, and dancing a night away with live music from Anushka Kashyap, Wasakaka Latin All-Star Band, and DiRTY RADiO.
Thanks to all the students who joined us in the celebration, we can’t wait to see you at our next event!
A big thank you to our event photographer/videographer, Alex Harte.

join the crew
Volunteers are crucial to our collective work, particularly when it comes to events and advocacy initiatives. With shared effort among many volunteers, lots of notice for planning your schedule, and the ability to self select your shifts we hope that we can do great things together this year.
Check out current volunteer opportunities.
If you are interested in volunteering, but are unable to sign up for any shifts yet, you can join our crew list to be contacted about volunteer opportunities in the future.