governing documents
The Vancouver Island University Students’ Union – VIUSU – is registered as a not-for-profit society with the British Columbia Registrar of Societies and is governed by the Societies Act of British Columbia. Internally, VIUSU is governed by a Constitution and Bylaws adopted by the membership, and a policy manual containing operational, financial, programs and services, and campus life policies adopted by the Board of Directors.
In addition to these documents the organization has developed a mission which highlights the purposes of the VIU Students’ Union in an accessible way.
policy manual
10.01 - Policies and Procedures
10.02 - Referenda
10.03 - Elections
10.04 - Non-partisanship
10.05 - Board Conduct
10.06 - Meetings of the Federation
10.07 - Board Stipends
10.08 - Board Sub-Structures
10.10 - Board Resignations and Leaves
10.11 - Hours of Operation
10.12 - Territory Recognition
10.13 - Inspection of Records
10.14 - Students' Union Loading Zone
10.15 - Recording of Proceedings