FROST Ski-Bum Party Photos!

Check out the photos from this years Ski-Bum Party! On January 30th students joined us in the VIUSU Pub for a night of Après-Ski themed drinks and dancing to some incredible music from featured Dj Kurtis Johnstone! Plus it was all captured by our event photographer, Happy!

Check out the photos below and make sure to save yours! Don’t forget, if you share your photos make sure to tag the photographer, who’s information can be found below!

Photographers’ Information:
Happy | ShotsByDaHappyGuyy | @da_happy_guyy (IG) | AristryByDaHappyGuyy

We hope to see you at our next event!! Follow @viustudentsunion or check out the events page to see all our upcoming events!


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