VIU Outdoor Recreation Cut: VIUSU Demands Student Inclusion in VIU’s Fee Review and Program Decisions
As your representatives, the Vancouver Island University Students' Union (VIUSU), we find ourselves in a crucial phase of advocating for your rights and voice in the university's decision-making processes, particularly concerning the ongoing review of student services and activity fees.
VIU Budget Crisis: Students Left in the Dark
VIU's $12.6 million deficit budget sparks renewed call for international student tuition equity
VIU’s Christmas Gift to International Students - A surprise tuition fee increase
VIU to Offer Free Menstrual Products at all Campuses
Vancouver Island University, in partnership with VIU Students’ Union, signs on to the United Way’s Period Promise campaign.
Communicable Diseases Plan and COVID-19 Vaccines
The VIU Communicable Diseases Plan focuses on basic risk reduction principles to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases on our campuses.