Our FROSH Mini-Games Day will include a variety of games for students including team competitions, minute-to-win-it games (hosted by clubs), free pizza lunch for students, and a live DJ!
Compete in the Tug-O-War and Egg Relay Race team competition games at 12pm with prizes for the winning teams!
Advance team or solo registration required here: https://viustudentsunion.ivolunteer.com/mini_games
FROSH 2021 is an exciting three-day festival celebrating new and returning students and the start of the fall semester. We are so happy to have everyone back in person and cannot wait to see you all!
There are lots of giveaways and prizes to be won including an Apple iPad, Beats by Dre Wireless Headphones, and a Marley Portable Bluetooth Speaker and more! Each day features different ways to enter the draw.
Mini-Games Day: Play & win a mini-game (max 3 entries per person, per game).
Top Prize winners selected and announced on stage at the outdoor concert night at 7pm!
Want to volunteer? Click this link to sign up.
Thank you to our Gold level supporters!
Skynet Wireless (FIDO)