Educational Activity & Initiatives Grant
This grant supports educational activities or initiatives which enhance learning opportunities and advance the objectives set out in the Students’ Union’s Strategic Plan.
Please ensure you have read through this page and understand the application criteria and eligibility prior to submitting your application.
Applications must:
be supported by a VIU staff or faculty member;
be received a minimum of eight (8) business days prior to the Grants Committee meeting;
include the contact information for the VIU staff or faculty member listed in the application
include a description of the activity or initiative;
include an estimate number of attendees including students, staff, and community members
include an adequate safety and security plan if applicable;
include a description of the expected benefits of the activity and how these will advance one or more of the Objectives set out in the Students’ Union’s Strategic Plan.
Applicant Criteria
Applicants must be students enrolled in at least one course in the semester that the application is received.
Eligible activities include:
Hosting conferences
Hosting lectures
Hosting workshops
Initiatives that align with the Students’ Union’s Strategic Priorities
Eligible activities shall not:
be required for the completion of a course or a program;
be used as supplemental funding for University-led initiatives
The following expenses shall be eligible for funding:
The following expenses shall be eligible for funding:
Food and beverage costs
Artist/speaker/performer costs
Sound and production costs
Venue costs
Materials and supplies
Contracted travel costs
The following expenses shall not be eligible for funding:
Organizational memberships
Alcohol and cannabis
Direct remuneration to University staff or faculty, notwithstanding student staff
Note: Student-led initiatives supporting faculties may be considered.
The Committee shall not approve: