VIU Outdoor Recreation Cut: VIUSU Demands Student Inclusion in VIU’s Fee Review and Program Decisions

A Time of Critical Advocacy at Vancouver Island University

Dear Students of Vancouver Island University (VIU),

As your representatives, the Vancouver Island University Students' Union (VIUSU), we find ourselves in a crucial phase of advocating for your rights and voice in the university's decision-making processes, particularly concerning the ongoing review of student services and activity fees.

Immediate Changes Without Student Consultation

Our immediate concern is the significant decisions being made without student input, notably the recent discontinuation of the Outdoor Recreation Program. This decision, impacting a service funded through your student activity fee, was made unilaterally, sidelining the voices of those it directly affects – you, the students.

VIUSU's Effort for Inclusion in Fee Review Process

In response to the university's financial challenges, a committee has been formed to review the student services and activity fee structures. VIUSU has actively sought to participate in this review process from the beginning, understanding the critical impact these decisions have on your university experience.

Rebuffed Requests for Immediate Student Involvement

Despite our efforts, we have been informed that student input will be considered only after the initial stages of the review are complete. This approach concerns us greatly, as it implies that significant decisions affecting your services and fees could be made without your immediate and direct involvement.

Our Ask: Immediate Inclusion in the Review Process

VIUSU's position is clear: we demand immediate inclusion in the fee review process. Your voice should not only be a part of the aftermath but a guiding force from the outset. This is not just about consultation; it's about active participation and co-decision-making.

Your Role in This Urgent Matter

We urge you to lend your voice to this cause. Your engagement and support are crucial in reinforcing the message that student participation is not optional but essential in any decision that affects our collective university life.

Staying Informed: Our Commitment to You

Stay tuned for regular updates on this issue right here. We promise to keep you informed about our efforts and any progress in ensuring that your voice is not just heard but is instrumental in shaping the decisions made at VIU.

Conclusion: Uniting for Our Rights

Together, let's work towards a VIU where student voices are integral to every decision, especially those that directly impact our campus life and financial obligations. We are committed to this cause and stand united with you in advocating for our rightful place in the university's decision-making processes.

In Solidarity,

Caitlin Kellendonk

Director of External Relations, VIUSU


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